To show every Italian
that true life is found in Jesus.
that true life is found in Jesus.

To make the message of Jesus
accessible and comprehensible to every Italian.
accessible and comprehensible to every Italian.
Whoever has the Son has life;
whoever does not have the Son of God
does not have life.
Whoever has the Son has life;
whoever does not have
the Son of God
does not have life.
1 JOHN 5:12
our content partners
We thank the ministries shown below for their generosity and for granting us permission to translate, dub and/or distribute their content on our platform.
Ministry (Teaching)
BibleProject is a non-profit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. Their mission is to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.
North Point Ministries
Andy Stanley
Communicator, author, and pastor Andy Stanley founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries (NPM) in 1995. Today, NPM consists of eight churches in the Atlanta area and a network of 180 churches around the globe that collectively serve over 200,000 people weekly.
Reasonable Faith
Dr. William Lane Craig
Reasonable Faith aims to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today.
John & Lisa Bevere (Discipleship)
MessengerX.com is a dynamic online library and phone app created by Messenger International, the ministry of John and Lisa Bevere in over 120 languages to connect people with world-class teachers, authors, and leaders who will help them embrace a vibrant faith in their everyday life.
Ministry (Teaching)
GotQuestions.org is a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics.
our partners
We thank the ministries shown below for their contribution - without them, Vita Vera would not exist.
Adventive Cross Cultural Initiatives
ACCI serves pioneering Christians, empowering them to proclaim the gospel, fulfill their God-given visions, and advance the kingdom of God.
Evangelical Association
Creactio is an evangelical interdenominational association that offers coordination services for multimedia projects to evangelical churches.
our content partners
We thank the ministries shown below for their generosity and for granting us permission to translate, dub and/or distribute their content on our platform.
North Point Ministries
Andy Stanley
Communicator, author, and pastor Andy Stanley founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries (NPM) in 1995. Today, NPM consists of eight churches in the Atlanta area and a network of 180 churches around the globe that collectively serve over 200,000 people weekly.
Un Miracolo Ogni Giorno
Daily Devotionals
A Miracle Every Day was created by Eric Célérier, a pastor, innovator and internet evangelist based near Paris. He is one of the pioneers of internet evangelism and founded Jesus.net, the largest internet evangelism and discipleship network in the world.
Reasonable Faith
Dr. William Lane Craig
Reasonable Faith aims to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today.
John & Lisa Bevere (Discipleship)
MessengerX.com is a dynamic online library and phone app created by Messenger International, the ministry of John and Lisa Bevere in over 120 languages to connect people with world-class teachers, authors, and leaders who will help them embrace a vibrant faith in their everyday life.
Ministry (Teaching)
GotQuestions.org is a ministry of dedicated and trained servants who have a desire to assist others in their understanding of God, Scripture, salvation, and other spiritual topics.
our partners
We thank the ministries shown below for their contribution - without them, Vita Vera would not exist.
Adventive Cross Cultural Initiatives
ACCI serves pioneering Christians, empowering them to proclaim the gospel, fulfill their God-given visions, and advance the kingdom of God.
Evangelical Association
Creactio is an evangelical interdenominational association that offers coordination services for multimedia projects to evangelical churches.
Find out how Vita Vera was born

In 2013, I moved from Parma, Italy to Charlotte, NC to attend university. I soon realized that Americans had access to several Christian resources to help them grow spiritually. Things in Italy were, and unfortunately still are, quite different. Italians who don't speak English have access to quite a limited number of online Christian resources. Many Italians have serious questions regarding the trustworthiness of the Bible, the historical Jesus, and the reliability of the Christian faith. But it is virtually impossible to find answers to all of these questions on Sunday mornings or during Bible studies. Consequently, as the years go by, many Italians lose their interest in Jesus because they don't have the tools and resources necessary to answer their deepest questions and doubts.
In 2018, my wife Victoria and I started to dream. Our desire was to create an app and a website that would offer Italians some of the resources that had been so helpful to us. We wanted to create a digital platform with sermons, apologetics videos, small group resources and other tools to help Italians find Jesus. We knew we wanted to become Italy's most helpful digital resource not only to those exploring faith but also to those looking to continue to follow Jesus.
In 2018, my wife Victoria and I started to dream. Our desire was to create an app and a website that would offer Italians some of the resources that had been so helpful to us. We wanted to create a digital platform with sermons, apologetics videos, small group resources and other tools to help Italians find Jesus. We knew we wanted to become Italy's most helpful digital resource not only to those exploring faith but also to those looking to continue to follow Jesus.
In 2019, we started praying for direction, identifying resources in English that we wanted to translate to Italian, and looking for partners to help us make this dream come true. We knew that not every Italian may be looking for Jesus, but every Italian is looking for true life (vita vera in Italian). And this is how Vita Vera was born.
Vita Vera exists thanks to the generosity of our donors, the consistency of our prayer partners, and the talent and incredible contribution of our contractors and volunteers. It takes a lot of hard work, but it is worth it!
Our ministry does not wish to take the place of the local church. On the contrary, our goal is to help local churches reach as many people as possible. We will continue to add new content to further advance our mission: to make the message of Jesus accessible and comprehensible to every Italian.
Our prayer is that our resources will help you know Jesus, because we firmly believe that whoever finds Jesus finds vita vera.
Thank you for being here!
Kevin & Victoria
Vita Vera exists thanks to the generosity of our donors, the consistency of our prayer partners, and the talent and incredible contribution of our contractors and volunteers. It takes a lot of hard work, but it is worth it!
Our ministry does not wish to take the place of the local church. On the contrary, our goal is to help local churches reach as many people as possible. We will continue to add new content to further advance our mission: to make the message of Jesus accessible and comprehensible to every Italian.
Our prayer is that our resources will help you know Jesus, because we firmly believe that whoever finds Jesus finds vita vera.
Thank you for being here!
Kevin & Victoria
Find out how Vita Vera was born

In 2013, I moved from Parma, Italy to Charlotte, NC to attend university. I soon realized that Americans had access to several Christian resources to help them grow spiritually. Things in Italy were, and unfortunately still are, quite different. Italians who don't speak English have access to quite a limited number of online Christian resources. Many Italians have serious questions regarding the trustworthiness of the Bible, the historical Jesus, and the reliability of the Christian faith. But it is virtually impossible to find answers to all of these questions on Sunday mornings or during Bible studies. Consequently, as the years go by, many Italians lose their interest in Jesus because they don't have the tools and resources necessary to answer their deepest questions and doubts.
In 2018, my wife Victoria and I started to dream. Our desire was to create an app and a website that would offer Italians some of the resources that had been so helpful to us. We wanted to create a digital platform with sermons, apologetics videos, small group resources and other tools to help Italians find Jesus. We knew we wanted to become Italy's most helpful digital resource not only to those exploring faith but also to those looking to continue to follow Jesus.
In 2018, my wife Victoria and I started to dream. Our desire was to create an app and a website that would offer Italians some of the resources that had been so helpful to us. We wanted to create a digital platform with sermons, apologetics videos, small group resources and other tools to help Italians find Jesus. We knew we wanted to become Italy's most helpful digital resource not only to those exploring faith but also to those looking to continue to follow Jesus.
In 2019, we started praying for direction, identifying resources in English that we wanted to translate to Italian, and looking for partners to help us make this dream come true. We knew that not every Italian may be looking for Jesus, but every Italian is looking for true life (vita vera in Italian). And this is how Vita Vera was born.
Vita Vera exists thanks to the generosity of our donors, the consistency of our prayer partners, and the talent and incredible contribution of our contractors and volunteers. It takes a lot of hard work, but it is worth it!
Our ministry does not wish to take the place of the local church. On the contrary, our goal is to help local churches reach as many people as possible. We will continue to add new content to further advance our mission: to make the message of Jesus accessible and comprehensible to every Italian.
Our prayer is that our resources will help you know Jesus, because we firmly believe that whoever finds Jesus finds vita vera.
Thank you for being here!
Kevin & Victoria
Vita Vera exists thanks to the generosity of our donors, the consistency of our prayer partners, and the talent and incredible contribution of our contractors and volunteers. It takes a lot of hard work, but it is worth it!
Our ministry does not wish to take the place of the local church. On the contrary, our goal is to help local churches reach as many people as possible. We will continue to add new content to further advance our mission: to make the message of Jesus accessible and comprehensible to every Italian.
Our prayer is that our resources will help you know Jesus, because we firmly believe that whoever finds Jesus finds vita vera.
Thank you for being here!
Kevin & Victoria